>>>>> On Mon, 21 Jun 2021, Joshua Kinard wrote:

>>> I am inclined to go with "Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors" across
>>> the board,
>> Why would you move the starting year back in time? Please don't.
>>> but given that copyright is always a touchy subject, figured I'd ask.

> Again, this is why I ask instead of what waltzing off and doing.

> Odds are really likely that many of those profile files were just copied
> from another one elsewhere in the tree.  The starting year is all over the
> place, and really, we did not have cascading profiles in 1999, so any of the
> files that say "1999" as the start year likely have the wrong year in the
> first place.  More reasonably, I'd want to hunt down the actual creation
> year of each file and then set the start year to the year that file first
> appeared in CVS.  Though, that'd be a tad on the pedantic side, not to
> mention take a lot of time to trace each file individually.

> :: waits for someone to drop some magic git-fu that does this in one line ::

For a single file, something like this should do the job (assuming that
you've grafted the historical repo):

$ TZ=UTC git log --find-renames --find-copies --follow \
    --pretty="format:%ad" --date="format-local:%Y" ${filename} | tail -n1


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