>>>>> On Wed, 23 Jun 2021, Michał Górny wrote:

>> It's just not available for everyone for free/without registration 
>> anymore. But it is still a thing in Gentoo.

> Your comment makes it sounds like 'just registering' is an option.
> The website seems to disagree with that, pretty clearly saying it's
> a yearly subscription.  How much?  They don't say but it's reasonable to
> assume it's a steep price.  Wouldn't be surprised if people are
> forbidden from saying.

Apparently it was $17k per year, in 2016:

> But even if they offered me a free copy I wouldn't take it.  They have
> violated the principles of GPL and harmed the FLOSS world.  If you care
> about open source, you wouldn't pay them a broken penny.  If you do, you
> just support their actions and soon enough more GPL projects will figure
> out that they can steal all their contributions and declare themselves
> 'keep paying and do not share the code as GPL permits you to'.

This has been discussed at length, and I don't think we need to
reiterate it here.

My point was that most developers cannot test if the pax_kernel flag in
a given package does what it should. IMHO the consequence is that we
can no longer consider PaX a supported configuration.


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