
On 28/10/2021 08:55, Hanno Böck wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Oct 2021 14:41:01 -0400
> Mike Gilbert <flop...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> Oops, I accidentally committed my vim swap file. I have fixed this
>> locally.
> Should we add *.swp (and a few others like *~, *.bak, *.orig) to
> .gitignore to avoid this from happening again?

I think it's best if people put their editor's temporary/backup
files in their local gitignore, instead of trying to maintain a
giant per-repository ignore file that needs amending for every
user's favourite editor.

For example, in ~/.gitconfig:

    excludesFile = ~/.gitignore

Then ~/.gitignore can contain:



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