Sorry about a long delay responding, I ended up being offline until the end of last week and I've had quite a lot of catching up.

Anyway, let me begin by addressing a sentiment expressed independently in several responses and which could be summarised as "just come and help". A laudable idea in theory - except as a project run entirely by unpaid volunteers, we can neither hire more people nor demand that developers work on more things than they already do. It might sound harsh but if working in particle physics (which like most public-sector research suffers from chronic shortage of manpower comparing to the amount of things to do, and which is nowadays based primarily on large-scale collaborations whose leadership has only minimal authority over individual participants) has taught me anything, it's that it is better to do a good job at two things than a mediocre one at ten.

Moving on to specific comments:

On 18/10/2021 01:50, Sam James wrote:

> - Most failures found via arch testing _aren't_ arch-specific, but they serve as a useful quality check. That is, > usually, we're not held back by some odd e.g. SIGBUS that nobody knows how to fix.

Possibly true (I've got no evidence to make a definite statement either way) - but there is a point in testing, or in pretty much any technical activity, when the amount of work required to polish something further begins to strongly outweigh the benefits.

Moreover, the above doesn't really sound to me like a case in defence of stabilisation on exotic arches; quite the opposite in fact.

> - Encourage developers to run test suites on their packages. This is a modern part of Gentoo development > and isn't optional if a package has a functioning test suite which isn't hell to get running - i.e. you should really
> _try_.

People who do not do this yet should be taken behind the chemicals shed and sho... I mean, be very much ashamed of themselves. Not sure what that has got to do with arch testing though, given what kind of hardware most of us do Gentoo development on.

> - We drop any large suites of packages at least to ~arch where they're problematic.

In addition to the dependency-creep problem already mentioned by Michał, I am not convinced that arbitrarily declaring some package or other not worthy of stable status on arch X would make the user experience on this arch better than downgrading the whole arch to ~X. Furthermore, I am pretty sure arch testers would then have to keep track of which packages must not be stabilised where - meaning more work.

On 18/10/2021 01:25, Thomas Deutschmann wrote:

Could you please elaborate what you are expecting from this change?

I.e. will this solve any problem (please name it)? Will it allow us to move forward where we are blocked at the moment (please name it)?

One part of this has already been mentioned by the others, i.e. all too often low activity on these arches ends up delaying overall progress of things such security issues for ALL Gentoo users.

Another is that IMHO there are way too few people active in these arch teams to keep up with the work load - even including sam's activity pretty much all over the place, which at this rate I fear will result in him burning out soon, things are far from great.

On 15/10/2021 22:40, Rolf Eike Beer wrote:

> My machines should actually do some useful stuff, like running my Nagios and a > bunch of nightly builds (CMake, libarchive, things like that). For that, I'd > like to have the actual system to work. Given the amount of breakage I find
> when doing stabilizations I suspect this is not going to happen.

Maybe, maybe not... If my experience with RISC-V keywording is anything to go by, a lot of breakage comes from unexpected interactions due to throwing everything but a kitchen sink on a single system - which having to deal with stabilisation makes more likely, especially on an arch which does not see many new keywording requests (on riscv, which is still quite active in this respect, I simply run all keywording tests with --oneshot and regularly distclean the system).

On 14/10/2021 18:10, Michał Górny wrote:

> While we're discussing it, maybe we should start by defining a clear
> criteria for platform support tiers?  Like: what are the requirements
> for a platform to maintain stable keywords?  Then the decisions could
> look less arbitrary, and people would have a clear way of knowing what
> they need to do if they wish the platform to continue having stable
> keywords.

Not a bad idea but I wonder how much effort we might want to throw at this, especially given we're not Red Hat or SUSE.


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