On Friday 05 November 2021 00:44:11 Craig Andrews wrote:
> As previously discussed at https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo/pull/21490
> we agreed that users would be kept informed via logs in the ebuilds and
> a package mask that would be lifted before the November 16 taproot
> activation date so users have time to upgrade.

That was not agreed on. It was explicitly rejected. You modified the PR to use 
different language, implying it was not yet decided when it would be removed 
(ie, subject to further discussion).

At this time, it remains unethical to remove the mask.

> I find the re-addition of the mask to be very frustrating. Now users who
> upgraded since October 13 may now be _downgraded_ and unexpectedly find
> themselves in an insecure state.

Only if they did not consent to upgrading in the first place.
For those users, downgrading is the right thing to do.
Nobody should be making the decision for them.

This news post helps ensure nobody is using an old version *unexpectedly*.

> Taproot is happening on November 16. The bitcoin project followed its 
> defined process that took over a year to get this point.

There is no "bitcoin project". The Bitcoin community - users - decide whether 
Taproot happens. I certainly hope it goes smoothly, but that is only a 
prediction, not a guarantee.


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