>>>>> On Wed, 17 Aug 2022, wuyy  wrote:

> Also, I have some long sentences in code, for throwing information. How
> do I nicely wrap such long strings in bash? By incremental assigning it
> to variables I guess?

It's not an absolute rule. Avoid long lines where possible, but don't
jump through hoops to e.g. break long strings in assignments.

>> No double empty lines please. (Pkgcheck should have complained about
>> this.)

> OK. But `pkgcheck scan rocm.eclass` (version 0.10.12) does not
> complains. A missing feature maybe?

Hm, it warns about it in ebuilds but not in eclasses. This looks like a
bug in pkgcheck to me.

>> Please don't use internal Portage variables.
> OK, although I can't find such warnings on
> https://devmanual.gentoo.org/eclass-writing. Maybe an entry should be
> added?

This is in PMS section 12.3.17 "Reserved commands and variables":

Let's add it to the devmanual as well:

>> > +  elif [[ -d "${BUILD_DIR}"/clients/staging ]]; then
>> Quotation marks aren't necessary here.

> What if BUILD_DIR contains spaces?

That's not a problem because word splitting isn't performed inside [[ ]]:


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