Please do file a bug tracking this proposal, and reference the
discussion thread.

On Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 09:28:14AM +0100, Piotr Karbowski wrote:
> What I'd like to do is to bump the limits.conf we ship with pam to
> following
>      * hard nproc 16384
>      * soft nproc 16384
>      * hard nofile 16384
>      * soft nofile 16384
> Those are still reasonable defaults that are much more suitable the 
> modern systems. I can only see benefits in it and am unable to think 
> about the potential drawbacks of bumping *defaults*.
- The "*" would apply it to all users on a system, not just the
  interactive ones, and reduce overall security posture.
- Does this also need a sysctl change for raising fs.file-max?

With those in mind, how can we deploy these defaults for interactive
users, while still trying to maintain the good security posture overall?

- Is using "@users" instead of "*" good enough? (I think yes)
- Should it be limited to shiny logins on X or should it also take
  effect via remote logins? (conceptually yes, but I don't see a way to
  do it today within the scope of only pam_limits**)

** The closest other solution I can find is using a distinct limits.conf
for interactive logins, selected via pam.d trickery, and I don't like
that proposal.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Dev, Infra Lead, Foundation Treasurer
E-Mail   :
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