On 2022-12-26 10:11:18, Hans de Graaff wrote:
> It would be great if you could dust these off and post them here so we
> can get these improvements merged. You mention in the bug that you'd
> rather wait for a dedicated maintainer to review them, but I'm (in
> name) that maintainer and I think you probably know these eclasses
> better than I do. With some joint effort we may get things moving here.

I'm trying to avoid becoming the de facto maintainer of the thirty or
so apache modules that I care nothing about. The eclasses I posted to
the bug are a proof-of-concept for www-apache/mpm_itk, but even that
has a workaround allowing it to use EAPI=7 now. I haven't tested them
with any other packages.

Updating apache-module-r1.eclass to EAPI=8 still requires some work,
and then the whole thing needs to be tested by migrating a
representative chunk of apache-module packages to determine if the
idea is feasible as-is, or if the approach needs to be tweaked. Until
then we'd just be wasting reviewers' time.

I may eventually get bored enough to do all that testing, but right
now I have a lot of things that are actually enjoyable and/or make me
money in front of it on my list.

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