On Mon, 2024-01-08 at 17:32 -0600, Gordon Pettey wrote:
> There are at least a few generally language-specific build
> tools/systems that can, if you're into masochism, be used to build
> other languages (Gradle, Maven, etc.), and tools like Ant, which while
> primarily used in Java projects is really just a Makefile with
> different syntax and core functions in XML. Does making a new category
> for explicitly general-purpose tools like Make and friends ambiguate
> where the language-specific tools belong? Should other
> non-Make-related packages be moved from their current dev-[language]
> locations?
> Does dev-util/gyp really belong there, or since it is node-specific,
> should there be a dev-js category?

In all of my RFCs, I've tried to keep moving stuff out of dev-
<language>/* altogether.  In general, I'd leave it to the maintainers to
decide where a package fits best.

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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