On 5/2/24 22:48, Ben Kohler wrote:
> On 5/2/24 06:15, Michal Prívozník wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've noticed (thanks to an issue reported against Libvirt [1]), that
>> neither minimal installation ISO nor liveGUI ISO contain anything inside
>> their Primary Volume Descriptors that would hint the ISO contains
>> Gentoo. This is unfortunate a bit, because matching VolumeID is exactly
>> how tools like libosinfo detect distro on given ISO [2] and then can
>> recommend some values when creating VMs with that ISO. In this specific
>> case, minimal amount of memory required to even boot the ISO (yeah, it
>> currently reports 256MiB which is too small for anything really).
>> Is there any chance this could be fixed, e.g. by reporting something in
>> VolumeID?
>> Michal
>> 1: https://gitlab.com/libvirt/libvirt/-/issues/600
>> 2:
>> https://gitlab.com/libosinfo/osinfo-db/-/blob/main/data/os/gentoo.org/gentoo-rolling.xml.in?ref_type=heads
> Hi Michal,
> Thanks for bringing this to our attention.  Relatively recently, our ISO
> build tool catalyst started using grub-mkrescue to prepare the
> bootloaders and create the iso [1], and we seem to have lost the volume
> IDs at that time.  I've just added a -volid parameter back in [2] which
> should restore the volume IDs we were using before and should match what
> libosinfo is expecting.  The change should apply to our next weekly
> autobuilds.

Awesome! Thank you.

And speaking of things that slip our attention. When trying to get a
link to this e-mail thread I've noticed at least gentoo-dev archives on
archives.gentoo.org are stuck in 2023:


I'm not sure where to report this, so I'm hoping this will find the
right recipient. Thanks once again.


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