On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 02:28:41AM +0100, Lars Weiler wrote:
> I checked this document with xsltproc and received the usual
> errors, as the index-page does not follow the DTD.  So it
> looks like everything where fine, but I oversaw the
> additional error from a tag mismatch...
> So, we should either change index.xml to be DTD-conform
> (that requires to change the guide.xsl, too, as it works for
> the "broken page") or change the DTD so that it acts like we
> wish and work with for a couple of time.

Actually the <!DOCTYPE ...> shouldn't be in there. The index page is like all
other website pages, and they don't contain a reference to the DTD.

That is a third option :)

        Sven Vermeulen

 ^__^   And Larry saw that it was Good.
 (oo)                                      Sven Vermeulen
 (__)   http://www.gentoo.org              Gentoo Documentation Project

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