Very nice Meino!  Congratulations.

Two Points:

1) Just for kicks, here's an ordering list I prepared (but am not submitting as I'm behind)

For propriety, to ship a base system to the United States, I prepared the following order:
WIFI-2    OEM WiFi USB module    € 7,00        € 7,00
ARIETTA-G25-256    ARM9 Linux Embedded Module (256MB)    € 30,00     € 30,00
AN-WIFI-02    WiFi antenna and SMA clable    € 7,00        € 7,00
DPI    Debug Port Interface    € 8,00        € 8,00
PS5V1A-USB2    Switching power supply 5V 1A - 2 USB out    € 8,00     € 8,00
STRIP-002    Female strip 20x2 pin pitch 2.54mm    € 0,80        € 0,80
STRIP-001    Male strip 20x2 pin pitch 2.54mm    € 0,60        € 0,60
STRIP-005    Male strip 20x2 pin 90 degree pitch 2.54mm    € 0,80     € 0,80
STRIP-006 Female strip 20x2 pin 90 degree pitch 2.54mm € 1,40 € 1,40
    Sub-total    € 63,60
    Select your country:
If your country is not listed, please read shipping FAQ
    Freight charges    28,00
        Total amount    € 91,60

I thought others might appreciate what the out-the-door cost would be.

2) I recommend Meino try to create a page similar to (I still have my Beaglebone black in its unused condition, despite my having scrutinized the install documentation and making suggestions to Raul.)

On 12/6/2014 11:09 AM, wireless wrote:
On 12/06/14 13:38, wrote:

recently I bought a great little Linux board: Arietta G25

Since I like Gentoo I installed it instead of the provided Debian
system.  The system I used to compile the kernel is -- of course -- a
Gentoo -- Linux PC.

Fantastic effort there Meino!

Ok, so looking here:

I cannot determine who is the one to contact to
get this offering of current information, correctly
formatted to be included in the "boards" section
of the gentoo embedded handbook?

Next point, Meino has offered up a great bit of information
that surely does not belong in the Gentoo embedded handbook,
but is a great resource to encourage others how to go about
hacking away at a gentoo embedded project. So I think the
original email can be listed somewhere for others newer to
embedded gentoo hacking, as an example. Where would this
be placed? Linked to the handbook as "references" or "notes" or "appendix 1" or such?

Also, if there is a format we want folks to follow should the
gentoo embedded project page have a suggested format to follow?

Many of those listing in the board section merely contain:

1. Board specifications
2. /proc/cpuinfo

Maybe the full possible format (optional for the contributor)
could have these additional categories:


bootstrap/init details

installed packages

cross compiling details

Native compiling details

Special code/hacks included
(such as netconsole.c)

ulibC, musl, bionic, glibc


Added hardware, such as a relay board to
power up and down other electronics as an example.

So, being a long time reader of gentoo embedded, I understand that
most folks in the gentoo-embedded-project space, are busy and have
a very deep and strong background in embedded linux. I also understand
that they do not need a robustly maintained gentoo-embedded-handbook. But, if we are to encourage others to learn and develop into strong
gentoo-embedded hackers, then we should provide a pathway for their
needs. Expanding the scope of the gentoo-embedded-manual or creating
an ancillary document, with many more simplified steps, would be
an excellent first step to revitalizing gentoo-embedded, imho.

Personally, I'd like to see what the 64Bit arm devs have in mind for
the Gentoo embedded handbook, or as a minimized full (stage?) offering?
I've just been waiting for 64Bit arm boards to come down a bit in
price; ymmv.

I will defer to the leadership decision of the gentoo-embedded-project

James Horton

Email Rider

John Laurence Poole
P.O. Box 6566
Napa CA 94581-6566
707-812-1323 office

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