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  Original Message  
From: Walter Dnes
Sent: Thursday, March 9, 2017 02:56
To: Gentoo embedded
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Subject: [gentoo-embedded] Weird error messages uclibc-ng with Pale Moon

I managed to build Pale Moon on uclibc-ng, but it's flaky and freezes
soon after starting. My first attempts to start it were greeted with...

XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /home/waltdnes/pm/palemoon/
File not found
Couldn't load XPCOM.

A bit of Google searching found the suggestion to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
first, e.g...

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/waltdnes/pm/palemoon /home/waltdnes/pm/palemoon/palemoon

That gets further; Pale Moon starts up, but freezes soon thereafter..
Here are the error messages from the xterm where it was launched from...

/home/waltdnes/pm/palemoon/palemoon: '/usr/lib/' is not an ELF file
/home/waltdnes/pm/palemoon/palemoon: '/usr/lib/' is not an ELF file
A coding exception was thrown and uncaught in a Task.

Full message: TypeError: Stat.xstat is not a function
Full stack:



1) The part between the two "*************************" is repeated 5 or
6 times before Pale Moon freezes.

2) /usr/lib/ is not an ELF file, because it's a *TEXT FILE*!!!

[UCLIBC][root][/] cat /usr/lib/
/* GNU ld script
* Use the shared library, but some functions are only in
* the static library, so try that secondarily. */
OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-i386", "elf32-i386",
GROUP ( /usr/lib/uclibc_nonshared.a libpthread_nonshared.a
/lib/ AS_NEEDED ( /lib/ ) )

3) The build process to compile Pale Moon had initially failed early on,
because it couldn't find /lib/, so I made one. It's actually a
symlink pointing to, the same file that
/lib/ points to.

Walter Dnes <>

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