On 12-06-2006 15:20:56 -0600, m h wrote:
> Folks-
> Has anyone thought out user management in a prefix setting.  An
> example being apache or mysql which usually run as their own users.
> Is this the plan for prefix too?

The last ideas for OSX were to have some propagation tools from prefix
to host OS.  This is a bit scary, but would mean useradd actions just
get forwarded.  This requires root privileges of course.  The portage
people seem to work on something to keep the administration of users
added by Portage, and keep that administration synchronised with the
real password backend.  This initiative is very nice for prefix of
course, as it would probably allow us to just plug on that
administration...  Sorry, I have no pointers...

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo for Mac OS X Project
gentoo-osx@gentoo.org mailing list

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