On Fri, Jun 08, 2007 at 11:26:54AM +0200, Florian Philipp wrote:
> In other words, there is no clear answer but my chances are quiet bad.
> I think I'll try around a bit. I'll prepare three images on my desktop, one 
> Os, one O2 and one O3.
> Then I'll post my experience...

Just from personal experience: I once compiled everything using O3 and
couldn't tell any appreciable difference in speed on most applications.
It also seemed to cause some applications to behave oddly or crash at
weird times. Booting off of a boot cd and recompiling the whole system
with O2 fixed all of the problems.

That was with a PIII, though. I understand many apps now that have
trouble with O3 are force to O2 with their ebuild, so your experience
may end up being a lot different. It hasn't been worth it for me to try
it again.

Mike Spitzer

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