On Sun, Oct 30, 2005 at 02:20:02AM +0900, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> Trying to alter patches that have been split up is a PITA. Missed a var 
> rename 
> in the patch just sent. :/
Heh, nice timing on the max_fd_limit, beat me in sending it by 46 
seconds :)

Personally... for a change like what you're introducing into 
portage_exec, I prefer a single patch.

Chunked patched make sense depending on a somewhat subjective 
grouping; in this case, familiar with the underlying code so 
interpretting it all is possible, but if it were any other source I 
would've resorted to applying the series, then diffing between svn and 
the changes.

Your call really, since you're generating the patch(es).


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