On Monday 31 October 2005 02:14, Brian Harring wrote:

+++ pym/cache/util.py   (revision 0)
+       def exception(self, key, *arg): print "exec",key,arg

Should "exec" be "exec"?

+++ pym/cache/mappings.py       (revision 0)
+       def __init__(self, pull_items, initial_items=[]):
+               self.pull = pull_items
+                       self.d.update(self.pull())

What is pull_items? A function that returns a dict? If so, might be a good 
idea to name the parameter to something with "func" in it.

+++ pym/cache/metadata.py       (revision 0)
+                               for idx, c in enumerate(line):

"enumerate" is a new one. Do you know which python version that was added in?

+++ pym/cache/sql_template.py   (revision 0)
+       SCHEMA_VALUES_CREATE    = "CREATE TABLE %s ( pkgid integer references 
(pkgid) on delete cascade, \

There's plenty more, but this is a good enough example. You realize that MySQL 
won't be supported (until 5.1) ? Not saying that MySQL need be supported; 
just ensuring that you realize it.

Haven't had a close look yet. It will probably all make more sense after 
looking at the second patch. You should probably commit the lot to subversion 
though. Tracing out bugs when they appear will speed up understanding 
greatly. ;)

Jason Stubbs
gentoo-portage-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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