Hi ferringb suggested I send out a mail here.

For those of you that do not know we Mike Frysinger and myself have
written a general purpose ELF Q/A tool called pax-utils

The tool itself can be used to preform a number of tasks. What ferringb
would like todo is take advantage of this tool for the an updated
verify-rdepend code. For him the gain is that scanelf the util can
handle 32/64 bit big and little endian bins compiled for any arch. The
old method used ldd and thus had to load the full binary into memory and
resolv a bunch of runtime symbols, load extra libs. The ldd method is
not cross-compile safe where scanelf is. portage-2.0.53_rc7 already
makes use of the tool when installed to preform several ELF Q/A checks
and it's proving itself quite useful in pinpointing some security bugs.
So vs putting the tool in the base profile it seems fitting to make
portage depend on it.

Before he does that does anybody have any objections? If so please let
us know what and why.

Pseudo webpage at:
http://dev.gentoo.org/~solar/pax-utils/ (Swift did the .xml loving)

Gentoo Linux

gentoo-portage-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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