2 other vdb size reductions can be done, with maybe a 3rd in the 
distant future.

If you cat your /var/db/pkg/sys-devel/gcc*/IUSE you will notice that we
have several inherited duplicates in it. To reduce wasted bytes there we
can simply tr,sort,uniq them from bash.

The for the vdb USE file I'm thinking we only need to save the USE flags
that correspond to the IUSE flags when the package was merged.

These smaller files should directly equate to portage speed ups when 
importing as it's less runtime reprocessing that has to be done.

Anybody see any reason not to make the 2 above changes for .54 ?

-- Maybe way future? --
We could take it a step further even and stop using a single file for
just about every vdb entry excluding the env.bz2, CONTENTS and COUNTER
and anything else that needs to be multiline.


More or less treating it in pretty much the same manor as metadata cache
entries. I see such a method as having mostly advantages and maybe 1
disadvantage. An initial 'import portage' could be slower unless
PROVIDE,USE were the first two entries and the file was parsed and does
not continue to read the rest of the file. ie no grabfile.

Gentoo Linux

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