On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 07:41:22PM -0600, Brian Harring wrote:
<snip comments on parent emerge not killing child emerge>
> Either way, here's the issue, atexit registers work fine across forks, 
> portage.portagexit is registered prior to portage_exec.cleanup, so the 
> main portage pid sits there and waits for the kids to go away on their 
> own, then portage_exec.cleanup tries waxing the pids.

This is the only blocker for merging parallel-fetch as far as I can 
tell- so... my vote is nuking the wait out of portage.portageexit 
(it's exec subsystem crap, belong in exec's atexit (where it exists)).  
Assuming no complaints there, issues with parallel-fetch going into 

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