On Wed, Dec 28, 2005 at 05:38:02PM +0100, Johannes Fahrenkrug wrote:
> Paul Varner wrote:
> >
> >Instead of hardcoding the nice value, use PORTAGE_NICENESS.  Here is how
> >it is done in revdep-rebuild
> >
> >[ ! -z "$PORTAGE_NICENESS" ] && renice $PORTAGE_NICENESS $$ > /dev/null
> >
> > 
> >
> Good point. Is this patch better? Or should it rather be _exactly_ as it 
> is in revdep-rebuild?

I'd suggest raiding from emerge-delta-webrsync for the portageq call; 
it's a bit nasty, but it's a single call rather then multiple.

I'd also raid the tarsync call- this is something I was intending on 
doing but have't yet.  It will cut out the untarring/rsyncing call to 
2 read throughs of the tarball, and single run through the tree.

Fair bit faster, especially if the user's box doesn't have the ram to 
buffer the tree/tarball in memory.  Tagging portage_niceness into it, 
just create a var with the appropriate nice call- if no 
PORTAGE_NICENESS, then the var is empty.


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