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Brian Harring wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2006 at 10:21:22AM -0800, Zac Medico wrote:
>> Zac Medico wrote:
>>> Okay, I've created a file-like class called atomic_ostream and it is now 
>>> used for both write_atomic() and writedict().
>> I've been using this patch locally with no problems.  Do we have 
>> any more feedback or are people satisfied with it?   IMO we need 
>> something like this, if not for (unsupported) parallel merges, at 
>> least to prevent loss of an important file when it is being 
>> overwritten and an IO error occurs (see bug 114133).
> Meh.... you're not supposed to call me on being a slacker for not 
> commenting. :)
> No complaints with this going into svn for upcoming 2.1_pre*, but I'd 
> like to see the class rewritten actually- the file object lacks a lot 
> of capabilities that a normal file object has.
> I'd suggest deriving straight from the file class, and just doing 
> changes in close and open.  Should be a much smaller class also ;)

I've revised the class so that it's actually derived from the builtin file type 
now.  In addition, I've added some more functionality to the 
apply_permissions() function in hope of making it come closer to a generalized 
permission application function that can be used throughout portage.  Feedback, 
on apply_permissions() in particular, would be appreciated.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)

Index: pym/portage_util.py
--- pym/portage_util.py	(revision 2677)
+++ pym/portage_util.py	(working copy)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # $Id: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/pym/portage_util.py,v 2005/04/23 07:26:04 jstubbs Exp $
-import sys,string,shlex,os.path
+import sys,string,shlex,os,stat
 if not hasattr(__builtins__, "set"):
 	from sets import Set as set
@@ -189,9 +189,8 @@
 	"""Writes out a dict to a file; writekey=0 mode doesn't write out
 	the key and assumes all values are strings, not lists."""
 	myfile = None
-	myf2 = "%s.%i" % (myfilename, os.getpid())
-		myfile=open(myf2,"w")
+		myfile=atomic_ofstream(myfilename)
 		if not writekey:
 			for x in mydict.values():
@@ -199,11 +198,10 @@
 			for x in mydict.keys():
 				myfile.write("%s %s\n" % (x, " ".join(mydict[x])))
-		os.rename(myf2, myfilename)
+		myfile=None
 	except IOError:
 		if myfile is not None:
-			os.unlink(myf2)
+			myfile.close()
 		return 0
 	return 1
@@ -451,4 +449,94 @@
 		if x not in u:
 	return u
+def apply_permissions(filename, uid=-1, gid=-1, mode=0, mask=-1,
+	stat_desired=None, stat_cached=None):
+	"""
+	Required Parameters:
+	filename           target file path
+	Optional Parameters:
+	uid=-1             desired uid
+	gid=-1             desired gid
+	mode=0             desired mode bits to enable
+	mask=-1            undesired mode bits to disable
+	stat_desired=None  stat object storing the desired use uid, gid,
+	                   and mode (use instead of separate integers)
+	stat_cached=None   cached stat object representing initial state
+	Apply user, group, and mode bits to a file.
+	The desired bits may either be passed in as
+	seperate integers or as a stat object via the
+	stat_desired parameter.
+	This function will not change bits that are already
+	within the desired constraints.  When mask < 0 (default),
+	an exact mode match is forced, otherwise, only the constrained
+	bits need to match"""
+	if stat_cached is None:
+		stat_cached = os.stat(filename)
+	if stat_desired:
+		uid = stat_desired.st_uid
+		gid = stat_desired.st_gid
+		mode = stat_desired.st_mode
+	if	(uid != -1 and uid != stat_cached.st_uid) or \
+		(gid != -1 and gid != stat_cached.st_gid):
+		os.chown(filename, uid, gid)
+	if mask >= 0:
+		if	(mode & stat_cached.st_mode != mode) or \
+			(mask ^ stat_cached.st_mode != stat_cached.st_mode):
+			new_mode = mode | stat_cached.st_mode
+			new_mode = mask ^ new_mode
+			os.chmod(filename, new_mode)
+	elif mode != stat_cached.st_mode:
+		os.chmod(filename, mode)
+class atomic_ofstream(file):
+	"""Write a file atomically via os.rename().  Atomic replacement prevents
+	interprocess interference and prevents corruption of the target
+	file when the write is interrupted (for example, when an 'out of space'
+	error occurs)."""
+	def __init__(self, filename, mode='w', **kargs):
+		"""Opens a temporary filename.pid in the same directory as filename."""
+		if mode != 'w':
+			raise IOError("invalid mode: %s" % mode)
+		self._real_name = filename
+		tmp_name = "%s.%i" % (filename, os.getpid())
+		super(atomic_ofstream, self).__init__(tmp_name, mode=mode, **kargs)
+	def close(self):
+		"""Closes the temporary file, copies permissions (if possible),
+		and performs the atomic replacement via os.rename()."""
+		if not self.closed:
+			try:
+				super(atomic_ofstream, self).close()
+				try:
+					apply_permissions(self.name, stat_desired=os.stat(self._real_name))
+				except OSError, oe:
+					import errno
+					if oe.errno in (errno.ENOENT,errno.EPERM):
+						pass
+					else:
+						raise oe
+				os.rename(self.name, self._real_name)
+			finally:
+				# Make sure we cleanup the temp file
+				# even if an exception is raised.
+				try:
+					os.unlink(self.name)
+				except OSError, oe:
+					pass
+	def __del__(self):
+		self.close()
+def write_atomic(file_path, content):
+	f = atomic_ofstream(file_path)
+	f.write(content)
+	f.close()
Index: pym/portage.py
--- pym/portage.py	(revision 2677)
+++ pym/portage.py	(working copy)
@@ -5858,10 +5858,7 @@
 				os.chown(pdir, 0, portage_gid)
 				os.chmod(pdir, 02770)
-			myworld=open(self.myroot+WORLD_FILE,"w")
-			for x in newworldlist:
-				myworld.write(x+"\n")
-			myworld.close()
+			portage_util.write_atomic(os.path.join(self.myroot,WORLD_FILE),"\n".join(newworldlist))
 		#do original postrm
 		if myebuildpath and os.path.exists(myebuildpath):
@@ -6870,10 +6867,7 @@
 	if processed:
 		#update our internal mtime since we processed all our directives.
-	myworld=open("/"+WORLD_FILE,"w")
-	for x in worldlist:
-		myworld.write(x+"\n")
-	myworld.close()
+	portage_util.write_atomic(WORLD_FILE,"\n".join(worldlist))
 	print ""
 def commit_mtimedb():
Index: bin/regenworld
--- bin/regenworld	(revision 2677)
+++ bin/regenworld	(working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 import sys
 sys.path.insert(0, "/usr/lib/portage/pym")
-import portage, string, re
+import portage, portage_util, string, re
 __candidatematcher__ = re.compile("^[0-9]+: \\*\\*\\* emerge ")
 __noncandidatematcher__ = re.compile(" sync( |$)| clean( |$)| search( |$)|--oneshot| unmerge( |$)")
@@ -88,6 +88,4 @@
 			print "add to world:",myfavkey
-myfile=open(portage.WORLD_FILE, "w")
-myfile.write(string.join(worldlist, '\n')+'\n')
Index: bin/emerge
--- bin/emerge	(revision 2677)
+++ bin/emerge	(working copy)
@@ -1916,7 +1916,7 @@
 							print ">>> Recording",myfavkey,"in \"world\" favorites file..."
 			if not "--fetchonly" in myopts:
-				portage.writedict(myfavdict,portage.root+portage.WORLD_FILE,writekey=0)
+				portage_util.write_atomic(os.path.join(portage.root,portage.WORLD_FILE),"\n".join(myfavdict.values()))
@@ -2087,7 +2087,7 @@
 						print ">>> Recording",myfavkey,"in \"world\" favorites file..."
 						emergelog(" === ("+str(mergecount)+" of "+str(len(mymergelist))+") Updating world file ("+x[pkgindex]+")")
-						portage.writedict(myfavdict,myroot+portage.WORLD_FILE,writekey=0)
+						portage_util.write_atomic(os.path.join(myroot,portage.WORLD_FILE),"\n".join(myfavdict.values()))
 				if ("noclean" not in portage.features) and (x[0] != "binary"):
 					short_msg = "emerge: ("+str(mergecount)+" of "+str(len(mymergelist))+") "+x[pkgindex]+" Clean Post"
Index: bin/emaint
--- bin/emaint	(revision 2677)
+++ bin/emaint	(working copy)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 import re
-import os, portage, portage_const
+import os, portage, portage_const, portage_util
 class WorldHandler(object):
 	def name():
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 	def fix(self):
 		errors = []
-			open(portage_const.WORLD_FILE, "w").write("\n".join(self.okay))
+			portage_util.write_atomic(portage_const.WORLD_FILE,"\n".join(self.okay))
 		except OSError:
 			errors.append(portage_const.WORLD_FILE + " could not be opened for writing")
 		return errors

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