
thanks for your input!

Attatched is a new version of the patch which cleans up code and additionally 
adds a handler to cleanup the package.use file.

> > attached is a patch for emaint contained in the
> > sys-apps/portage-2.1_pre4-r1 package that adds support for checking and
> > fixing redundant entries in package.keywords and package.unmask.

> Few things...
> -(self.noneInstalled , self.noneAffected) = checkDict( cfg.punmaskdict )
> +self.nonInstalled, self.noneAffected = checkDict(cfg.punmaskdict)
> is a bit more normal

OK, but removed that at all in my current version :-)

> check should actually do the checks, rather then having
> the work done during instantiation of the checker... 

Actually the other modules (WorldHandler and VdbKeyHandler) do it excactly the 
same way, thats why I decided to go this way, too.
And, as check and fix both use the same data, I think this is a good way to go 
(as long as the actual instanciation is only done, when the module is called)

> potentially have 
> a base class those checkers inherit from instead of having the funcs
> unbound (although this is definitely debatable).

Yes, I wanted to to this in the first place but my 'bad' python knowledge made 
me use the unbound functions. But the new patch attatched has a base class 
that handles all the shared stuff. The actual handlers are pretty small 
now :-)

> Also...
> errors = []
> errors += map....
> just do
> errors = map...

ok, fixed that  :-)

take care, have fun

Attachment: emaint-2.1_pre4-r1.patch-r1.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

Attachment: pgpy04M48H1mo.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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