On Mon, 31 Jul 2006 15:48:23 -0700
Brian Harring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > but I'd suspect that many
> > people share my original assumption and expect it to only match full
> > version components
> Hear a bit of screaming from it once every 4-6 months; personally, I 
> interpret that as devs know which to use usually- additionally, once 
> the (bluntly) hissy fit from the dev subsides, and they're reminded 
> "yes it's annoying, but if you want it changed take it to dev to get 
> consensus" folks promptly forget about it.
> Either they're silently working around it, or it's not that much of
> an issue (I suspect the latter, but am neutral towards the change).

Well, practically it's not a big issue as in 99% of all cases it works
like people expect.

> Should be discussed on -dev, not here imo; they're the ones affected 
> by it (it's essentially their standard after all).  Changing it?  
> Sure, but it's a required eapi bump; portage chokes on .* now.
> I'd also not bump eapi just for one change; there is a boatload of 
> other stuff that's waiting for an apt time to be pushed out together.

Sure going to sned this to -dev, just usually going for input from a
smaller audience first.
Haven't yet thought about details in case of changing it, first gonna
decide what the "correct" behavior is.


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