As package sets are mostly done now, I'm starting to think about
something else. One of my pet peeves with portage is the "packages"
file in profiles, for several reasons:
1) it has two completely independent purposes
2) it implements a redundant visibility filter as package.mask is also
available in profiles
3) the syntax for defining the "system" set plain sucks
4) the name doesn't really say anything about the purpose

Another issue that isn't directly related, but covered by the proposed
solution below, is the so called "implicit system dependency" in
ebuilds, which doesn't really exist. It only an assumption by people
that the "system" set is satisfied before an ebuild is processed, so
its contents don't have to be listed in *DEPEND. If a user breaks that
assumption by not regulary ensuring that "system" is satisfied bugs can
occur. Another issue is the informal exception when system items are
allowed to/must be listed in *DEPEND, IMO that should be formalized.

To solve both issues I propose the following system:
Profiles can contain the files "system.depend" and "system.rdepend"
whose combined contents make up the "system" target. If any of those
two files exists the "packages" file is ignored. The syntax should
either be the same as package.mask or, if desired, also allow complex
atoms (use-conditionals, any-of constructs).
The second part would be that portage implicitly adds the content of
the files to the DEPEND or RDEPEND setting of each ebuild unless it
contains RESTRICT=system-deps. Obviously this would have to be tied to
a new EAPI version. (an undefined cornercase here is if a profile does
not contain the new files, not sure how that should be handled)

- we get rid of all the issues outlined at the top
- should make it easier long-term to setup a no-compile system that only
installs binary packages due to separation of build- and runtime deps
in "system"

- obviously it has to be implemented first
- no obvious solution for stacking rules (e.g. child uses system.*, but
parent profile only has "packages")
- some people might rely on the "packages" file

So, comments?


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In the beginning, there was nothing. And God said, 'Let there be
Light.' And there was still nothing, but you could see a bit better.

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