On Mon, 17 Jun 2013, at 01:00, Ruud Koolen thusly quipped:
> I also didn't test whether these patches work on the prefix-portage branch. I
> don't really know much far prefix-portage diverges from mainline portage, so I
> don't know whether I should expect it to just work.

Prefix portage is literally a branch -- in the git sense of the term -- of the 
regular portage git repo on g.o.g.o.  So, a good place to start is to check out 
that branch and see if your diffs apply.  When I am doing work that I expect to 
flow into both branches, I typically maintain a "master" and prefix_master 
private branch, with the latter set to pull from origin/prefix, i.e.:

[remote "origin"]
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
        url = /usr/src/repos/git/portage.git
[branch "master"]
        remote = origin
        merge = refs/heads/master
 [branch "prefix_master"]
        remote = origin
        merge = refs/heads/prefix
 [branch "cygwin_master"]
        remote = .
        merge = refs/heads/prefix_master

Guess I didn't use very consistent naming.   The basic plan is, with the arrows 
representing flows of information to the right-hand side on "git pull":

[upstream repo] -> /usr/src/repos/git/portage.git -- a bare, vanilla clone of 
[portage.git/master] -> master (which is a private branch with upstreamable 
[portage.git/prefix] -> prefix_master (also a private branch, analogous to 
master, with forward-ported versions of my patches in master; upstreamable to 
[prefix_master] -> cygwin (an experimental prefix portage "fork", downstream to 
all of the above)

Usually I cherry-pick patches from master into prefix_master and perform up any 
merges at that phase, and then just "git checkout cygwin ; git pull" to merge 
those (vs.-vanilla-prefix-portage) patches into my experimental prefix portage 

I do that way because my eyes simply glaze over when I try to read that whole 
business about prune-and-graft in git merge --help; however if you end up with 
a huge pile of patches to merge, the prune-graft approach should work perfectly 
fine to move deltas from master to prefix-master.


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