On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 5:47 AM, Alexander Berntsen
<alexan...@plaimi.net> wrote:
> On 19/01/14 11:32, Pacho Ramos wrote:
>> Then, I guess "-ap" would be the equivalent of --autounmask=n and
>> should behave in the same way, right? In that case, no problem
>> (even if I think we should document this since using --ask
>> --pretend at the same time doesn't look so intuitive to me :( )
> Since --ask implies --autounmask, the following are all the same for
> autounmask-purposes:
> emerge --pretend --ask foo
> emerge --pretend --autounmask foo
> As for "emerge --autounmask=n foo", This will actually spit out the
> suggestions, just not ask to write them.
> While playing with this, I discovered a possible misbehaviour though.
> With "emerge --ask --autounmask=n", --ask takes precedence to
> - --autounmask=n. Maybe it shouldn't. But this can always be changed.

Please give me a way to shut off autounmask entirely no mater what
other options I pass to emerge. Tying it to --ask with no way to
disable it is not acceptable.

Generating the unmask entries can cause quite a performance hit, and
often causes portage to come up with nonsensical solutions when an
error message would be much more helpful.

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