On Fri, 29 Aug 2014 10:08:04 -0700
Brian Dolbec <dol...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> I have changed the version to 9999 and rebased your new-install branch
> on currrent master, and pushed it to my github account.
> https://github.com/dol-sen/portage
> I also am attaching the ebuilds I edited slightly
> I have uploaded the 2.2.13_pre1 and _pre2 tarballs to my dev space.
> _pre2 differs from _pre1 in that _pre2 is with the rebased git
> sources, while _pre1 is Michal's original branch code.
> you can rename the _pre2.ebuild to _pre1.ebuild to test at your
> pleasure.

OK, all previous problems I reported with setup.py were due to my
checkout having some stale files or something sdist didn't like. Even
though an updated mkrelease.sh worked on the same files. The doc,
epydoc failure was due to my tree being a little too old, it was
missing an update to the distutils-r1.eclass mgorny did.

As for the version updating. I have removed it from the ebuild I have.
There were too many places that updated the version, the ebuild code
was missing the setup.py sed for it to be consistent.  Also the ebuild
should not have to.  I think that was from a time when portage releases
were just patches to previous tarballs.

Thanks to Michal for helping me figure out the errors he was unable to

I've uploaded a 2.2.13_pre4.tar.bz2 tarball to my releases/portage dir.
I've also attached the latest _pre4 ebuild.
Brian Dolbec <dolsen>

Attachment: portage-2.2.13_pre4.ebuild
Description: Binary data

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