On 11 Nov 2015 10:32, Michał Górny wrote:
> I'm not convinced we ought to do this for EAPI < 6. It is a breaking
> change after all, and as such changes the behavior of EAPI < 6 ebuilds.

that is a false statement.  anything not working with bash-3.2 is already
broken according to the PMS.

> There are some ebuilds/eclasses that have bash version checks,
> and execute bash-4 code when bash-4 is available. As far as I
> understand, this will effectively prohibit bash-4 code even though
> BASH_VERSINFO will still indicate bash-4 is being used.

no, that's not what it does.  it changes behavior for code that itself
has changed behavior between versions.  it does not disable any newer
functionality.  it would have been nice to have a knob that would turn
off newer functionality as well, but upstream didn't seem keen on it.

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