On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 12:32 AM, Brian Dolbec <dol...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> That could be pretty hard to do for all messages.
> Especially messages with embedded data
>   eg:  "%s is missing %s required use flag..." % ('sys-apps/foo', 'bar')

For that case we could use:

    "%s is missing %s required use flag..." % \
        % ('sys-apps/foo', 'bar')

> I know I don't always enforce the line length for a few characters,
> also when clarity is more important than line length.

I totally agree with that.

> We could also increase the max. line length to something like 120 or 130.

I think more people should chime in on that. I use vertical splits for
the screen when coding, and 120 characters is too long for me, but if
the preferred width ends up changing to 120 or 130 I can work with it.

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