Dear Portage developers, I am a Post-doc in formal methods and software engineering. With my colleagues, we are working on a formal model for software composition, and were looking for a concrete example of such model to motivate and guide our work. I knew portage from using gentoo since 2007, and knew that it is the perfect use case for us.
The first result of our work is a prototype for a constraint-based dependency solver for Portage: like the emerge tool, it takes in parameter a list of atoms to install, and computes a full list of packages to install to satisfy the package dependency relation. Up to bugs, this tool is correct and complete: it will always find a solution if it exists, and always tell if there are none. For instance, it successfully computed that gnome-base/gnome cannot be installed by default (on a udev system), but found a solution that replaces sys-fs/eudev by sys-apps/systemd when we allow the tool to change the USE flag selection of the packages. With this prototype, we also compiled (90% of) a documentation on how portage manages package configuration (USE flags declaration, selection, masking, keywording, ...). Link to the prototype: Link to the documentation: We would really like to know your opinions, impressions and suggestions about this work. We would also like to know how useful this tool could be for the community: as for now, it is a prototype of a dependency solver (that would definitively need some work to be usable in production), but it also offers the possibility of any kind of formal analysis on the REQUIRED_USE and dependencies in packages, like the one described in For instance, our tool already checks for obvious reasons (inconsistent REQUIRED_USE or unmet dependencies) causing a package not to be installable. In particular, on the Portage version available in , our tool identified 14 packages that could not be installed for these reasons (the full list in in post-scriptum). Additionally, our implementation is based on what I understood of the portage's documentation, which I compiled in the document: it would be very helpful if you could point error that I made or subtleties that I didn't understand or missed. Best Regards, Michael Lienhardt PS: list of uninstallable packages: dev-java/jruby-1.7.12 media-video/nvidia-settings-340.58 dev-ruby/bitescript-0.0.9 dev-java/spring-core-3.2.4 app-i18n/ibus-table-code- dev-ruby/weakling-0.0.4 sci-libs/ogdi-3.1.5-r1 dev-java/jcs-2.0 net-misc/asterisk-rate_engine-0.5.4 games-fps/doom3-mitm-20070129 app-office/impressive-0.10.5 dev-java/spring-aop-3.2.4 dev-ruby/duby-0.0.2-r1 dev-db/mycli-9999