On 12/28/20 3:15 PM, Matt Turner wrote:
> +def apply_keyword_changes(ebuild: str, pathname: str,
> +                          changes: List[Tuple[Optional[str],
> +                                              Optional[str]]]) -> int:
> +    result: int = 0
> +
> +    # ekeyword will only modify files named *.ebuild, so make a symlink
> +    ebuild_symlink: str = os.path.basename(pathname)
> +    os.symlink(ebuild, ebuild_symlink)

Are we sure that the current working directory is an entirely safe place
to create this symlink? A simple fix would be to use
tempfile.TemporaryDirectory to create a temporary directory to hold the
symlink. Or, we could change ekeyword to assume that an argument is an
ebuild if os.path.isfile(arg) succeeds.

> +    for removals, additions in changes:
> +        args = []
> +        for rem in removals:
> +            # Drop leading '~' and '-' characters and prepend '^'
> +            i = 1 if rem[0] in ('~', '-') else 0
> +            args.append('^' + rem[i:])
> +        if additions:
> +            args.extend(additions)
> +        args.append(ebuild_symlink)
> +
> +        result = ekeyword.main(args)
> +        if result != 0:
> +            break
> +
> +    os.remove(ebuild_symlink)
> +    return result


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