
I've recently installed gentoo on a G4 TiBook and it's working fine.

However, I have a couple of unresolved problems, one of which being, the system doesn't remember the date. I had entered the correct date when installing, but it always follow the system date instead (the date that appears in Open Firmware when I boot it) and I have to reset the correct date every time I boot (otherwise I get compilation errors warning that I'm installing files that got modified in the future).

The system date turned back to April 1976 when I zapped the PRAM and NVRAM because it was impossible to boot Mac OS ; then I installed Gentoo and ever since it goes back again and again to 1976 (time is not stuck though ; time passing seems to be accurate, only, it is translated back to April 1976).

I tried to guess how to reset time and date in Open Firmware by typing commands that seemed appropriate (I tried "date" "set-date", "setdate"), b! ut nothing worked :-(

Does anyone know a fix to this -- either, how I could set correct time and date in Open Firmware, or allow Linux to remember its own time and date ?



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