Wednesday 01 Mar 2017 22:14:33, Michał Górny wrote :
> Hi,
> So here's a quick summary of what I've established so far about
> pycrypto/pycryptodome.
> pycrypto is abandoned and dead since 2013. It was forked into
> pycryptodome which is now maintained. The fork is partially compatible
> with pycrypto -- though some APIs were removed/replaced. From my quick
> experiments, every second random package I tried worked ;-).
> Now, pycryptodome has two modes of install. When it's installed as
> 'pycryptodome' it installs 'Crypto' Python package -- which is the same
> name as pycrypto used, and is therefore more compatible with packages
> using the latter. There is also the alternative 'pycryptodomex' mode
> which uses 'CryptoDome' namespace and does not collide with pycrypto.
> For an initial attempt, I've added dev-python/pycryptodome using
> the former mode since it was required by a revdep. But it also means
> that it blocks pycrypto, and therefore we need to start looking into
> adding compatibility with pycryptodome into more packages.
> The problem is, as usual, setuptools/pkg_resources magic. Because even
> if a particular app uses APIs that are compatible between the two
> packages, pkg_resources will reject to run an app that specifies
> 'pycrypto' as a dependency if pycryptodome is installed, and the other
> way around. From a quick look at the specification, those dependency
> specs don't really support any kind of any-of.
> That is, I think it is reasonable to assume that the only way forward
> upstream would be to replace the dependency with 'pycryptodome',
> and start requiring the latter.
> As for Gentoo, I think the sanest way forward would be to live with
> that. Start testing packages with pycryptodome. If they don't use
> pkg_resources and API compatibility can be achieved, add || (
> pycryptodome[...] pycrypto[...] ) if supported. If that is not possible,
> a revbump switching to pycryptodome would be reasonable.
> After all, we don't really have many revdeps [1] to port.
> Any other ideas?
> [1]:
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Michał Górny
Hi Michal

Thanks for the detailed report and for working on that.

I was wondering how you want to go about revbumping those deps. Would you be
keen on reviewing a PR which rev bumps a few packages from your list?


Patrice Clement
Gentoo Linux developer

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