Rumors of my retirement are greatly exagerated (well, not that much). I did retire, but I took it back, and now I'm just as active was I was previously!

Due to the mostly automated nature of releng these days, there's not much need for this mailing list or the IRC channel to be "chatty".

On 08/07/2010 04:15 PM, William Hubbs wrote:

I have noticed that this list and the gentoo-releng irc channel
have been dead for a very long time, and I remember seeing a post a
while back in which agaffney announced his retirement.  Also there are
multiple bugs open on livecd-tools, and there has been no attempt to fix

I offered to join the team a while back, but was told there was no time
to train me.

So, I am concerned about the releng project.  What is it's status?  Do
we have anyone who is in the project any longer?

What about the maintenance of their tools?  I see from the live ebuilds
that they are maintained on git repositories that are not part of
gentoo's infrastructure, and, in the case of livecd-tools, there have
been no changes since December of last year.

Can someone respond to gentoo-releng and let us know the status of the

Thanks much,


Andrew Gaffney                       
Gentoo Linux Developer            Catalyst/Genkernel + Release Engineering Lead

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