Yesterday I emerged the new portage-2.0.47-r2...
Now, whenever I run 'emerge' in any flavour, it displays 'uptime' and a
fortune various times, just like this:

 19:38:29  up 1 day, 24 min,  2 users,  load average: 1.11, 1.48, 1.53

The nice thing about egotists is that they don't talk about other
                -- Lucille S. Harper
emerge: please tell me what to do.

Usage: etc...

If I actually try to merge something, it works, but displays those
messages a number of times.
Note that I have 'uptime' and 'fortune' in my /etc/profile for display
when I log on, but emerge never did that before the latest upgrade. The
funniest part is that when I removed the messages from /etc/profile
emerge insists on showing them...
...even after a env-update && source /etc/profile...
...even after a complete reboot.
I have not tried to revert to the old portage yet, because for the rest
it is fully functional.

Any clues?

Thanks in advance
Michele Noberasco

Linux *IS* user friendly: it just appears
to be selective who it is friend with!

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