On Sun, 2003-03-09 at 05:15, Troy Dack wrote:
> OpenOffice - takes about 2 days to build
> OpenOffice-bin - takes about 10 minutes to install
> -bin is pre-compiled the binary package available from openoffice.org

and not as good looking.
In my experience, compiling it yourself is a looooooong process, which
swallows bob loads of memory, cpu, and disk, but the results are worth
it. OpenOffices' fonts (especially menus) looked so much nicer
afterwards. After all, it's only time, install the -bin version to get
you going (if you need), and compile over night (or 'nice -n 19 emerge
openoffice', and it won't disturb you :).

Mike Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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