Arthur Britto wrote:

>> In the readme it tells you to copy it in, not use a symlink (ISTR etc).
> Well, Richard, you made me feel silly for not carefully reading the
> README. ;)

Sorry, I was trying to be helpful, not imply RTFM :o)

> I had assumed, if the program launched in some cases that the link was
> sufficient.  Also, I had concluded since the program works when run as
> realplay that all the permission were sufficient.

I think the plugin is totally independant from the rest of the installation.
I have it on a box which has no realplayer installation, I just copied over
the .so file. (RP8.)

> So, same symptoms as before. :(

FWIW, my config is:

XFree 4 (various versions).
Mozilla (1.1, 1.2.1, 1.3.1).
RP8 (rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs2.bin/

Good luck :o)

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