
I wanted to get an expert and informed consensus on what command line
interface tools are well suited to each of the following purposes which 
may well mean what you use. My current choices have been entered but
please feel free to add your own with a comma in between.  Also, if you
feel any categories are missing please add them!

# Email: mutt,
# News: slrn,
# Browser: lynx,
# File manager: mc,
# Games:
# Chat client: micq,
# IRC: bitchx,
# Sound mixer: alsamixer,
# Editor: vim,
# Diff: colordiff,
# Read file: less,
# Transfer file: scp,
# Compression: tar,
# PDF creation: 
# txt2html: 
# Term: eterm
# Partitioning: cfdisk
# System info: lhinv, procinfo, lsof,
# CD writing: cdrtools,
# Gentoo: ufed, mirrorselect, portage, gentoo-stats, gentoolkit
# Others: screen

Please note that this is not to compare CLI with GUI but merely to
gain a better perspective on CLI usage.

Many thanks
The big question is why in the course of evolution the males permitted
themselves to be so totally eclipsed by the females.  Why do they tolerate
this total subservience, this wretched existence as outcasts who are
hungry all the time?

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