Hi guys,

I just upgraded to apache-2.0.46 and php-4.3.2, and now I'm really lost

I've been running apache-1.3.27 for several years and it has all worked

My only problem is that perl-cgi's (file.pl) is just shown as if it was
a .txt file

my virtualhost looks as it has always done, and I haven't changed the
binaries (they have 755 rights):

The virtualhost looks like this:

<VirtualHost x.x.x.x>
ServerName sql-ledger.domain.dk

DocumentRoot /usr/local/sql-ledger/
#DirectoryIndex index.html
AddHandler cgi-script .pl
#ScriptAlias /sql-ledger/ /usr/local/sql-ledger/

Alias /sql-ledger/ /usr/local/sql-ledger/
<Directory /usr/local/sql-ledger>
Options ExecCGI Includes FollowSymlinks

<Directory /usr/local/sql-ledger/users>
Options None

Klavs Klavsen, GSEC - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.vsen.dk
PGP: 7E063C62/2873 188C 968E 600D D8F8  B8DA 3D3A 0B79 7E06 3C62

Working with Unix is like wrestling a worthy opponent. 
Working with windows is like attacking a small whining child 
who is carrying a .38.                          

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