> Hi.  I have an old K6-2 CPU that I would like to convert to a Gentoo
> machine.  It's pretty slow so I'd like to do all of the compiling on
> my Athlon.  Is there any documentation for doing this.  Can anyone
> point me in the right direction?

Your first option, of course, is distcc. That will allow distributed
compiling over a network. You can find a lot of information on that by
searching the gentoo mailing list and forums.

I may be wrong on this second option, but it seems to me that if you can
remove the harddrive, you could put it in the Athlon and compile
everything there. Make sure you compile with settings for the K6-2. When
you compile the kernel, make sure you are compiling with options for the
K6-2. Once everything is setup, put the harddrive back in the K6-2 and
then you can make little tweaks here and there if necessary.

If someone can spot a big flaw in this approach, please let us both know

Zachary P. Landau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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