On Thu, 03 Jul 2003 10:05:11 -0400
"brett holcomb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

|I'm looking for a database for use on my home systems - 
|doesn't have to handle large transactions.  I was planning 
|on using PostGRESQL but noticed Firebird and was doing 
|some reading on it.  Any pros or cons, experiences of one 
|vs the other?

]- I will bet on Firebird. :") I have used PostgeSQL in the past and was not
so impressed... at that time it lacked alot of features (notably outer
joins), now I think it is OK. 
Some good feature of PG object-oriented TABLE specs(inheritance) and such..
Interbase have been around for much longer time.

 As I wrote earlier :
]- firebird(interbase) - multiversioning engine(i.e not lock based), small-footprint, 
install&forget, fork&threaded variants, 
subselects/joins/triggers/etc all is there... very simple way to add new functions via 
Delphi/Kylix or C (UDF)
- SUSPEND in stored-procs i.e. stored-proc may behave like normal TABLE ( i.e. SELECT 
* FROM storedproc() )
- before/after triggers
- The creator of interbase still work on FireBird.
- afaik interbase is used in M1 tank :")
- from all DB I know, it is avail. on more platforms that others 
- long history, do u remember Borland was No1 in DB
- there is records of working DB as large as 200-400GB 

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