Title: Message
Hi all,
I have just installed Gentoo 3 days ago and first, I would like to thank people who works on this projet .. It is a dream ....
All my installation process was OK  thanks to the very good documentation and the work made in the scripts by Gentoo team.
I have installed KDE ...  from GRP ...
But when I try to configure KDE, I don't find the french support in available languages ?
Is there any binary package that have other languages than english for KDE ?
If not ? How can I compile KDE to have this support ?
After a look a the docs on the web site, I have tried to make :
emerge unmerge kde
and then, I have just write the same command than during the installation GRP process but without the "-k" option  :
USE="bindist" emerge kde        
But nothing compile ...
It uses the binary packages ... In fact, I don't think It delete my previous KDE installation ...  
What is wrong ? Can someone help me on this matter ???
Many thanks for you help and sorry in this question has already been asked ....
Stéphane PERON

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