Am 2003.09.02 16:23 schrieb(en) Mark Knecht:
   There is a small app I wanted to try. I found an ebuild has been
recently and is in Bugailla:

I've downloaded the two files but don't know how to use them
correctly. I'm
guessing that I need to move it to somewhere under /usr/portage, but I
not know where to put it. Does it matter if I remember to remove it

You sould keep it somewhere in your home directory. You can copy it somehwere in the portage tree, where you think it belongs to.

Then do

ebuild /path/to/file.ebuild digest
emerge /path/to/file.ebuild

That sould work in the most of cases.

When you later user 'emerge rsync' your file gets deleted. But your programm is installed and can be deinstalled, if you want. When you get the file via 'emerge rsync', you can reuse it, but you don't have to.

I'm new on gentoo, but that worked for me. Maybe other people can tell you a better way, I don't know.


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