On Tue, 2 Sep 2003, Jan Meier wrote:

> Hi,
> always when I want to burn an cd with k3b i get the error message "Operation
> not Permited" when it starts to burn!
> What can i do?

The burning is done by cdrecord (I think all burning programs are just
frontends to cdrecord and various other programs).  So, see if cdrecord
works from command line.

$ cdrecord -scanbus

I'm guessing it won't.  But 'ls -l /usr/bin/cdrecord' will likely show
-rwsr-x---    1 root     cdrw       329764 Jul 31 02:25 /usr/bin/cdrecord

cdrecord must be root in order to burn a cd (direct access to the drive).
But it's safe to make cdrecord suid, so you don't need to be root.  But
only people in group cdrw can run it.  Therefore:

# gpasswd -a <you> cdrw

Now, either log out and log in again to make the change recognized, or
use 'newgrp cdrw' to join group cdrw so you can run cdrecord.  If you do
the latter, you must run k3b from the same terminal that you did your
newgrp - changes are not global.

Marshal Newrock, unemployed Linux user in Lansing, MI
Caution: Product will be hot after heating

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