On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 15:13, Brian Doob wrote:
>       I want to set up USB networking between my Linux-iPaq (an ARM based
> handheld with 2.4.19 Linux) and my Gentoo desktop box.  The gentoo box
> is connected to a broadband router with an active DHCP server.  I want
> the iPaq to get an address from the router and connect out to the
> internet.  I think the iPaq is already configured correctly (it's
> running familiar 0.7.1test + Opie 1.0).  I compiled usbnet statically
> into my gentoo kernel (2.4.22-ck1).  I don't know which USB driver I
> should use (Gigabyte GA-7VAX, VIA KT400, VIA VT8235).  I also don't know
> how to set up my config files, or enable the IP forwarding (but not
> masquerading) to talk to my router.  Does anyone know how to set this
> up?  Thanks.
>                       -Brian

Forget about dhcp on the ipaq connected via usb. I could never get it to
get and address from my server. I can tell you how to get it working
with static ip though.


1) Make sure that the usb-eth modules is being loaded at boot time.

2) Familiar should already be setup for this, if you are using the
latest release. 


You need to have the usbnet.o compiled as a module.

1) modprobe -r usbnet

2) place ipaq in usb cradle

3) modprobe usbnet

4) ifconfig usb0 netmask pointopoint up (usb0 will be the network devicec on you pc)

5) route add -host usb0

6) iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE -s
   iptables -I FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT
   iptables -I FORWARD -d -j ACCEPT
   echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

If your desktop is already connected to the internet, the ipaq will be
able to also now.

Jayson Garrell

p.s. you should suscribe to the familiar.handhelds.org mailing list for
this. ;-)

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