On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 11:37:49PM +1200, Tom Eastman wrote:
> I notice now that there's another blackbox-esque window manager: OpenBox.
> Can someone with experience with both tell me what the major differences are?  
> What do people prefer, fluxbox or openbox?
> OpenBox doesn't have tabbed windows, but I pretty much never use that feature 
> anyway.  What does OpenBox offer me that fluxbox doesn't?
The one thing that made me choose openbox over fluxbox some time ago,
was that openbox has window to window snapping, something fluxbox does
not have (in the stable version).

However when fluxbox 1.0 is released, I'm going to give it another try,
as it seems to have pulled quite far away from openbox featurewise.


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