On 09/18/03  Nate Duehr wrote:

> Setting up a gentoo box for the first time here, and don't want to use
> apache2.
> Reading the docs, it says you can give the group-name/program-name to 
> emerge to force an emerge of an older version, but it's not liking it.
> I must be doing something stupid, so I appeal to the list for a hand
> here...
> emerge -u net-www/apache-1.3.28
> Doesn't work.
> What'd I miss...?

Add an equal sign, so that it reads =net-www/apache-1.3.28. You can also
use other relational operators, so to install the latest 1.x version of
apache you can use emerge \<net-www/apache-2 (the backslash is necessary
to escape the < for bash).


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