On Sun, 09 Nov 2003 06:29:35 -0800, Norbert Kamenicky muttered:
> - snip -
> >Well, the problem is that you can only mount an image as a user if the
> >image and mountpoint are specified in the fstab. I still don't know why
> >mount (or the kernel or something) can't start allowing mounts of a file
> >readable by a user over a directory the user owns...
> :-)  :-)   :-)   ... security reason !
> If you like to allow your users to mount just anything,
> (doesn't matter in which dir)
> it's the same, like give them root password ...
> never heard about Trojan horse ?   :-)
> PS.
> it's typical question of people who use windblowz
> (where security issues were made by diletants, if at all),
> but know nothing about unix security ...

Not a security problem if you require that user loopback mounts be mounted
user (like the fstab option). Darwin runs user mounts this way with no
resulting security issues.

And I haven't used Windows seriously in the last five or six years.

Andrew Farmer

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