Thomas Mandl wrote:
after an emerge sync (about 10 min. ago) I could only find
mm-sources-2.6.2_rc1-r2, rc1-r3 and rc2-r1.

any ideas?

check out the Changelog in /usr/portage/sys-kernel/mm-sources/

--- snipp ---
*mm-sources-2.6.2_rc2-r1 (28 Jan 2004)

  28 Jan 2004; Brian Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mm-sources-2.6.1-r3.ebuild,
  mm-sources-2.6.1-r4.ebuild, mm-sources-2.6.1-r5.ebuild,
  mm-sources-2.6.2_rc1-r3.ebuild, mm-sources-2.6.2_rc2-r1.ebuild,
  files/apic.patch, files/mm-sources.CAN-2003-0985.patch,
  files/mm4-export-dnotify_parent.diff, files/mm4-fix-bw-qcam-typo.diff,
  version bump, clean up old ebuilds
--- snipp ---

as you can see, a patch for the vulnerability CAN-2003-0985 has been added to the mm-sources (among others). it is also mentioned that the old ebuilds were cleaned up.

I would suggest you update both your machines to 2.6.2_rc2-r1.

which 2.6 kernel sources are most stable and can be recommended for a
stable production system (web server/mysql server).

Since I don't run a real production system I can't answer this one. But AFAIK mm-sources aren't the right choice for production systems.

bye, christoph

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